Royal Frysk Muscheln GmbH

Horsbüller Straße 9 Emmelsbüll-Horsbüll , Germany
Tel: +49 466 594 500
Fax: +49 466 594 500



Our parent company, the Dutch enterprise Roem van Yerseke b.v., has been active in the shellfish sector since 1942 and has contributed to making its home province “Zeeland” known throughout the world today for its high grade cockles (Cardium edule), solid surface clams, mussels, and oysters. Here at Royal Frysk Muscheln GmbH we are striving to carry on and safeguard this tradition for the benefit of our region.  Royal Frysk Muscheln GmbH began the year 2000 with an investment of over four million Euro. Thus completely modernised and expanded processing plant
