APROMAR - Asociación Empresarial de Productores de Cultivos Marinos

Ctra. del Marquesado Km. 3,400 - Apartado postal 266 Chiclana , Spain
Tel: +34 956 404 216
Fax: +34 956 403 388

Email: info@apromar.es

Website: http://www.apromar.es

Website: https://www.facebook.com/pages/APROMAR/172742712780089?ref=ts

Website: https://twitter.com/#!/apromar_acui

APROMAR is the Business Association of Producers of Marine Farming in Spain. We are a national and professional basis. Our partnership has been recognized since 1986 as Producers Organisation (OP -30). At APROMAR we have the objective representation of the business sector of the Spanish marine aquaculture, the provision of services that contribute to improving the competitiveness of our partners and encourage socially responsible behavior for sustainable aquaculture. Our partnership ensures quality and food safety in fish breeding, being respectful to the environment and the welfare of animals bred.
