AIB - Associação dos Industriais do Bacalhau

Avenida dos Bacalhoeiros, nº 290 - 2º Esquerdo Gafanha da Nazaré , Portugal
Tel: +351 234 368 002
Fax: +351 234 368 003



The IBA's mission is to promote the development of industrial activity of cod, representing, advocating and intervening in a dignified and effective business interests of the sector, in strict compliance with the statutory objectives. We aim to contribute to this space for wide dissemination of industry salting and drying cod in Portugal, in its components for processing and marketing. The Association of Industrial Cod is convinced that only in a cohesive manner and with the commitment of all social actors, it is possible to achieve high quality standards to ensure full customer satisfaction, a decisive condition for ensuring the future of the 'faithful- friend, 'so rooted in culture and cuisine Portuguese. 
