The SOS Marine Conservation Foundation - Save Our Salmon

Box 1321 Port McNeill , Canada
Tel: +1 250-230-7136
Fax: +1 250 250-3505



The SOS Marine Conservation Foundation is a group of Western Canadians dedicated to resolving marine conservation challenges and creating new opportunities through technological innovation. We are a broad coalition of business leaders, entrepreneurs, engineers, financial and legal professionals, philanthropists and recreational fishers. Meet the SOS Solutions Advisory Committee. We are pro-business and pro-smart aquaculture.  The Save Our Salmon Initiative (SOS) was launched by the SOS Marine Conservation Foundation to protect B.C.’s important stocks of wild Pacific salmon which are essential to the ecological, cultural and economic well-being of British Columbia. Populations of British Columbia’s wild Pacific salmon are plummeting rapidly, putting the continued existence of the wild salmon in doubt. The causes of this decline range from loss of habitat to overfishing and climate change. However, of all the threats to wild salmon, ending the impacts of open net-cage salmon farming offers the greatest, immediate opportunity to restore wild salmon stocks. 
