MNWFA - Mallaig and North-West Fishermen's Association Limited

Harbour Office, Mallaig , United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (01687) 462046
Fax: +44 (01687) 462835



Mallaig & North-West Fishermen's Association (MNWFA) was founded in 1947 "to allow fishermen of Mallaig and the North West Coast to make contact with other fishermen and Fisheries Boards and to have a voice in the affairs of the industry". (Extract from the original Minute recorded at the formation of the Association). At that time membership was comprised almost entirely of local herring boats. With the subsequent demise in the 1970s of the West Coast herring fishery, boats in the 40-60 foot size range turned to prawn and whitefish trawling. Today, MNWFA is one of the largest fishermen's trade associations in the UK. Membership of the Association is now comprised from all sectors of the industry from one-man creel boat operations through to large offshore whitefish trawlers. Equal attention is paid to the needs of all members.
