Moradiña, S.A.

C/ Arrecife, 7 Cangas de Morrazo , Spain
Tel: +34 986-39-2021
Fax: +34 986-39-2688



Moradiña is a group of fishing companies and since 1981 we supply frozen fish caught by vessels that apply the latest technologies to meeting up marketing in the best conditions. Through extensive industry experience and ongoing research work in our fleet for years, we get a final quality that makes us a pioneer in the treatment of fish able to cover the needs of our customers and offer solutions to your needs.  Sartaxens Beach, Playa Menduiña Dos, Playa da Cativa, Eirado do Costal and Santa Marina are the five vessels currently owned by the firm and operating primarily in the NAFO fishing grounds, Irminger Sea, Hattom Bank and the Falkland Islands. Our Ships: Buque Playa de Sartaxens Buque Playa Menduiña Dos Buque Playa da Cativa Buque Eirado do Costal Buque Santa Mariña...
