Rahbek Food Ltd.

Oxleasols Rd. East Moons Moot Redditch , United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1527 838 000
Fax: +44 1527 518 321

Email: richardb@coldwater-seafood.co.uk

Website: http://www.coldwater.co.uk

The Group constitutes an international network of independent companies, each operating in its own market area in the production and sale of seafood products. In the United States, United Kingdom, France, Denmark and Germany the Group operates processing plants for value added products but in addition there are the sales and marketing companies selling natural seafood products. The sales and marketing companies are located in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Spain and Japan.  Icelandic Group has an annual turnover of about Euro 1 billion. The Company has three main business segments; primary processing, value added processing, and sales and marketing, representing 6%, 69% and 25% of total sales respectively. Icelandic Group fully owned by Vestia HoldingVestia Holdings ehf. (Vestia), a subsidiary of the Icelandic bank NBI hf., has assumed 100% ownership  of Eignarhaldsfelagið IG ehf. (IG Holdings ehf), the parent company of Icelandic Group. This will have no effect on Icelandic Group´s business activities or daily operations but provide strong support to the Group's management in realizing the company's full capabilities.
