OceanWatch Australia Ltd.

Locked Bag 247 Pyrmont , Australia
Tel: +0 03 9824 0744
Fax: +0 03 9824 0755
Tel: +61 2 9660 2262
Fax: +61 2 9660 2786

Email: ocean@oceanwatch.org.au

Website: http://www.oceanwatch.org.au

Website: https://www.facebook.com/OceanWatch

Website: https://www.youtube.com/OceanWatchAustralia

OceanWatch Australia Ltd is a national not-for-profit environmental company that works to advance sustainability in the Australian seafood industry.  OceanWatch key activities involve: enhancing fish habitats and improving water quality in estuaries and coastal environments working with industry and local communities to minimise environmental impacts introducing industry and communities to sustainable technologies and behaviours. To achieve these positive outcomes, OceanWatch Australia works in partnership with the Australian seafood industry, federal and state governments, natural resource managers, private enterprise and local communities. OceanWatch Australia has three funding sources; a voluntary contribution from the seafood industry, federal and state government grants and through fundraising activities.
