Truchas Santo Domingo S.A.

Av. Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln Tower, PH-B, Sabana Grande, Capital District, Caracas , Venezuela
Tel: +58 212 782-53-11





In 1937 aquaculture began in the state of Mérida, Venezuela with the introduction to the country of several of trout’s species (Salmo gairdnieri, Salvelinus fontinalis and Salmo trutta). Fish farming defined as the art of fish culture, began with the importation from the United States of America of 100,000 eyed eggs. This Rainbow trout has its scientific name Oncorhynhus mykiis. For the year 1938, the first fingerling farm was built at the Mucuy Experimental facility, with its mission of populating different water bodies in the Andean region of the country. In the beginning 1941, the production of rainbow trout alevins from certified eggs created the beginning of a breeding program by the institution to consequently use fish adults for spawning purposes and to be able to fertilize eggs with male fish sperm. As result, industrial farms began to develop in 1959 with the installation of Truchicultura Moconoque, Truchicultura Santo Domingo in 1964 and Truchicultura El Paraíso by 1979, amoung others.
