NVI - Norwegian Veterinary Institute

Ullevålsveien 68, Pb 750 Sentrum Oslo , Norway
Tel: +47 23 216 000
Fax: +47 23 216 001

Email: adm@vetinst.no

Website: http://www.vetinst.no

The Norwegian Veterinary Institute (NVI) is a national biomedical research institute in the fields of animal health, fish health and food safety, whose primary function is supply of independent research based advisory support to the governing authorities. Preparedness, diagnostics, surveillance and monitoring, reference- and scientific advisory functions, and risk assessment are the most important areas of operation. The National Veterinary Institute has its central laboratory in Oslo, with regional laboratories located in the cities of Sandnes, Bergen, Trondheim, Harstad and Tromsø. The Norwegian Veterinary Institute is a governmental agency, funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs and the Norwegian Research Council. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food owns properties and buildings from which the National Veterinary Institute operates, while the National Veterinary Institute has responsibility for maintenance. The buildings are in good condition and the laboratories modern. The institute’s products and services are research results and reports, analyses and diagnostics, scientific evaluations and advices within the main fields of operation.
