Australian Fishing Enterprises

Billy Lights Point - Po Box 1073 Port Lincoln , Australia
Tel: +61 8 86214 400
Fax: +61 8 86214 401



Australian Fishing Enterprises was formed in 1987. Mr. Sime (Sam) Sarin is the founder of Australian Fishing Enterprises and is still currently the active President of the company. Mr Sarin has been in the Tuna industry for over 40 years, which has seen the capture of tuna for canning, to the now farming/Ranching of tuna for the Japanese Sashimi market. Australian Fishing Enterprises is the largest Southern Bluefin Tuna quota holder in Australia. Australian Fishing Enterprises has developed from being a supplier of fresh fish only into the local markets to processing and freezing premium quality products onboard for international trade. We catch and sell fresh fish into the Australian domestic market and are pioneering the catching, processing and freezing of premium quality product onboard two new vessels. This product is being successfully sold into both domestic and overseas markets.
