Labeyrie SAS

Zone Artisanale de l’Hippodrome Came , France
Tel: +33 5 59 58 04 20



Created in 1946, by Robert Labeyrie, the company is initially specialized in foie gras and smoked salmon, which are still today its two flagship products. Over the years, always guided by the desire to offer exceptional products accessible to the greatest number, Labeyrie extends its expertise to other equally refined products such as duck breast, caviar ... Labeyrie remains true to the overall strategy of Labeyrie Fine Foods. Backed by our creativity and experience in luxury foods, we offer a world of pleasure in our two flagship products of foie gras and smoked salmon. We listen to consumers and work tirelessly to bring them more of the premium products they want. We are always on the cutting edge of new trends, such as gourmet meals and creative hors d’œuvres.  Layberie’s reputation has been forged through the know-how used in preparing two luxury products available in many forms: Foie Gras and Smoked Salmon. The leader in these two historical markets, Labeyrie has accelerated its development by offering other fine foods such as caviar and Iberian ham. The brand now also has a presence in the ready-meals aisle with a full range of pre-cooked gourmet dishes. Labeyrie today Thanks to its recognized talent for selecting and associating the most noble ingredients, Labeyrie creates refined and delicate cuisine with no other frontier than that of pleasure. Today, on every shelf, the brand offers a complete range of products ranging from appetizers to desserts, to satisfy gourmets and gourmets. Labeyrie wishes to accompany its consumers for the little ones, as for the highlights of life and to offer them always more pleasure. Labeyrie's ambition is to become the premium reference caterer of the GMS.
