Newsan S.A. - Grupo Newsan

Roque Perez 3650 C.A.B.A. - Buenos Aires , Argentina
Tel: +54 (11) 4546-5000




Newsan is Argentina’s leading manufacturer of major electronic products and home appliances.  In 2011, Newsan decided to diversify its business and broaden its horizons by investing in the fishing industry. Seafood’s core activities are developed in the Patagonia region and it operates in its five plants located in Comodoro Rivadavia, Trelew and Puerto Madryn, with 400 employees. In November 2014, the Legislature of the Province of Santa Cruz repealed Act 3287/12 by which declared of public utility and subject to expropriation the assets of the company Vieira Argentina SA, allowing Newsan Group finalize the operating agreement and financial support for such fishing and make the investments under USD 10 million. This agreement between Newsan Food, division of food export by Newsan Group and Vieira Argentina SA will generate new exports in 2015 of about $ 40 million.
