Labrador Fishermen’s Union Shrimp Co. Ltd.

46 Waterfront Road - P.O.Box 130 L'anse 'au Loup , Canada
Tel: +1 709 927-5816
Fax: +1 709 927-5555



Labrador Fishermen’s Union Shrimp Company Limited is owned by the fishermen of Labrador from Lance-au-Clair to Paradise River. It is governed by a Board of Directors of fishermen, which are elected by the Shareholders at each Biennial Convention. The Company operates a number of processing plants along the Labrador Coast, which produces high quality products, such as Cod, Scallops, Snow Crab, Capelin, and other species from the cold clean waters of Labrador. The Company has two offshore Shrimp licenses, which is a very important part of the Company’s operations. This valuable product is processed offshore and is usually sold to markets in Europe and Asia.
