WDL - White Dog Labs, Inc.

239 Lisa Dr. New Castle , United States of America
Tel: +1 (302) 220-4763

Website: http://www.WhiteDogLabs.com

Website: https://www.facebook.com/pg/whitedoglabs/photos/?ref=page_internal

Website: https://twitter.com/whitedoglabs

White Dog Labs, Inc. (WDL) was established in 2012 on the foundation of synthetic biology, bio-process development and product development to address global challenges including food sustainability and climate change. The company has invented a proprietary process, Protocol B™, for the isolation, selection and cultivation of microbiome-derived Clostridia, which has resulted in large, diverse and novel strain libraries. White Dog Labs offers a sustainable solution by producing Single Cell Protein (SCP), with similar protein and amino acid content as fishmeal. The solution combines MixoFerm high yield, with its FlexFeedstock capability (e.g., by-products from ethanol plants), and a low-cost plant that is co-located with existing infrastructure such as dry-grind ethanol plants. A summary of the MixoFerm solution’s advantages include: Consumption of low cost and sustainable feedstocks, e.g., ethanol by-products High cell mass on ATP yield – opens up opportunities for anaerobic fermentation  Opportunities to co-locate SCP production with ethanol plants, providing additional cost reduction Moreover, White Dog Labs’ microorganism development capabilities allow for: Higher value SCP with an improved amino acid content Enhanced nutritional value such as included vitamins and organic salts Continual product improvement and differentiation
