Okeane Ltd | Oceane Ltd.

11, M. Qavtaradze Str Tbilisi , Georgia
Tel: +995 32 269 55 50
Fax: +995 32 269 55 51

Website: http://nikoraproducts.ge/english/products/okeane-fish-production

"Okeane" entered the Georgian market in 2003 and nowadays it is considered one of the largest enterprises domestically. The brand offers its consumers a wide range of fish and seafood in the Georgian market. "Okeane’s" caviar and trout, bred in the company-owned fishery in the city of Ozurgeti, command popularity from the consumers. The fishery provides "Nikora" Supermarket Chain with live trout and salmon caviar. A monthly production capacity of "Okeane" enterprise exceeds 30 tons. 
