Almacenes Exito (Supermarket) -former CADENALCO-

Carrera 48 N° 32B Sur - 139 Envigado , Colombia
Tel: +57 1 339 6565
Fax: +57 1 331 4792



Almacenes Exito S.A (Public, CLB:EXITO) is a Colombian company that, along with its subsidiaries and affiliates, is engaged in the retail sector. The Company’s business is structured in four areas: Hypermarkets, comprising 84 Exito and 3 Vivero hypermarkets; Supermarkets, including 82 Carulla, 1 Frescampo and 11 Pomona supermarkets; Warehouses, operating 14 Surtimax and 17 Merquefacil wholesale discount stores, and Others, which include the operations of 13 Hipermercados Surtimax, 30 Almacenes Ley groceries shops and five Home Mart home stores, as well as two Q’precios and two Proximo convenience stores. The Company owns such subsidiaries as Carulla Vivero SA, Didetexco SA and El faro de Caucasia SA. It also holds interests in Cadena de Tiendas Venezolanas SA (Cativen), Predios del Sur SA, Makro Supermayorista SA, Comercial Inmobiliaria Internacional SA and BC Oil Colombia SA. The Company’s majority shareholder is Grupo Casino de Francia, with 59.8% of its interests.
