Pesquera Cruz del Sur S.A.

Juramento 2059 - Piso 7º oficina 710 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires , Argentina
Tel: +54 11 478 41760
Fax: +54 11 478 41760



Pesquera Cruz del Sur S.A. was established in 1998.In the same year the fishing vessel MILLENNIUM was incorporated, being it the first vessel of the fleet. The company is exclusively committed to the caught of ILLEX ARGENTINUS SQUID and from its beginnings it has always prioritized the commercialization of a differentiated product as regards to quality and final product. Pesquera Cruz del Sur S.A. has contributed to the foundation of C.A.P.A (Argentine Jiggers Chamber), which is the first Argentinean chamber to gather the vessels involved in the caught of squid under national flag.
