Salten Seafood AS

Vågsosen 10, Sandhornøy , Norway
Tel: +47 239 658 99



A family-run company with more than 30 years experience in the fishing industry, operating our own fleet of trawlers, refrigerated trucks and a number of processing plants located in Norway. We can supply you with assured quality seafood products, including frozen and fresh Scampi (Nephrops Norvegicus); Live/Frozen Razor Clams (Ensis Siliqua); Monkfish (Lophius Piscatorius), Velvet Crab (Portunus Puber), Brown Crab (cooked and live), Red King Crab,(Paralithodes camtshaticus),Cockles, Whole Fish, Fish Fillets and a number of other seafood products. PROCESSING PLANT We have invested heavily in our Nowegian accredited processing plants . SANDHORNØY having just completed a very large investment in the facility (one of the largest signal investments in the fishing industry in Norway in 2014/2015). We have installed a “state-of-the-art” traceability system to ensure the products you purchase from us have been processed in our pristine, ultra modern factory by our highly trained staff while remaining fully traceable back to our vessels and the fishing ground where the product was caught. In addition to BRC certification our facility has been independently audited under the Bord Iascaigh Mhara Responsibly Sourced Standard (BIM RSS) and the Responsible Norwagian Fish schemes. These schemes ensure our factory meets the stringent requirements of the respective Standards while ensuring our traceability system provides assurance that the seafood products we produce are traceable to vessels contributing to the long-term sustainability of fish stocks through their fishing practices.
