SalmoBreed Salten AS

Kobbelv Sørfjordmoen Engan , Norway
Tel: +47 41 69 20 32



SalmoBreed Salten is the new plant in SalmoBreed. Here they will produce roe from broodstock that have their whole lives in tanks inland. This gives us full control over all environmental parameters and we can deliver fish all year long. SalmoBreed Salten is located in Sørfjorden in the Sorfold Municipality. The company was founded in 2015 and is owned by SalmoBreed AS and Salten Stamfisk AS. The plant is under construction and the first stage will be completed in spring 2017 - when smolt will be put in tanks. In the Spring 2018 the entire plant will be completed and in the Summer of 2019, fully operational. When fully developed, the plant will deliver 150 million roe per year. With 7500 m3 tanks distributed in several halls with light and temperature control, roe can be delivered all year long. Small cylinders allow for single incubation. In addition, the plant has equipment and expertise to produce triploid roe. 
