NIFS - National Institute Food Science

216,Gijanghaean-ro, Gijang-eup Busan , Korea, Republic of
Tel: +82 51-720-2114
Fax: +82 51-720-2054~5


The National Insitute of Fisheries Science is the unique national research institute in charge of marine and fisheries science. Strategic tasks Building production infrastruture for eco-friendly fisheries products Improving fisheries resources management to cope with climate change Developing and effective production& management system of seafood safely Developing fisheries technology for the creative fisheries economy Strengthening technical cooperation at home and abroad Responsibilities Management of fishery resources and development of fishery engineering technology Research on and conservation of marine ecosystems Development of aquaculture technology and biotechnology Research on seafood safety and the control of aquatic life diseases Development and management of aquatic plant varieties Guide, training and support of the fisheries technology
