Hanstholm Fish Auction / Hanstholm Fiskeauktion

Auktionsgade 11 Hansthoolm , Denmark
Tel: +45 97 96 11 66
Fax: +45 97 96 21 81

Email: info@hanstholmfiskeauktion.dk

Website: http://www.hanstholmfiskeauktion.dk

Hanstholm Fish Auction is Denmark's largest and has an annual turnover of 300-500 million Danish Kroner With its excellent situation and good facilities the auction attracts landing from many Danish and foreign vessels. Among the facilities is Denmark's largest and newest refrigerated auction shed, which ensures the fish is kept as fresh af possible. The auction uses the latest in computer technology to ensure the fishermen are paid the same day. Hanstholm fish auction also recives fish from ferries from Norway and the Faroe Islands etc., by prior agreement. The fish i sold to customers all over Europe and the rules are, that fresh fish from Hanstholm fish auction must be at all destinations in the EU within 24 hours of sale.
