MøreNot AS - Mørenot Holding - Morenot Group Headquarters

Søvikneset 91, Sovik , Norway
Tel: +47 70 20 95 00
Fax: +47 70 20 95 10
Fax: +47 77 77 72 55

Email: fishery@morenot.com

Email: aquaculture@morenot.no

Email: offshore@morenot.no

Email: skjervoy@morenot.no

Email: trawl@morenot.no

Website: http://www.morenot.com/fishery

Website: http://www.morenot.com/aquaculture

Website: http://www.morenot.com/offshore

Website: http://www.morenot.com/fishery/contact

Website: http://www.morenot.no

Mørenot Group consists of companies with leading positions in the international market as suppliers to customers in fisheries, aquaculture and marine seismic MøreNot is involved in continuous product development and has created innovative solutions, thanks to close cooperation with fish farmers and research institutions. The driving force is the fish farming industry's challenges, such as larger values in the cages, increased profitability requirements, new regulatory requirements and more. Proximity to the customer is important in a global market.   MøreNot AS is ISO 9001:2008 accredited. Our products are accredited in accordance with NS 9415.  Mørenot Fishery operates primarily within the purse seine and trawl segments, which has been the cornerstone of the group’s development. Mørenot Aquaculture produces netting and nets in nylon and Dyneema ®, and delivers custom moorings, de-lousing tarpaulins, top nets, dead fish collectors and other equipment to farms. We also offer services such as wash, repair and coating/impregnation.
