Via Aqua SAS

Immeuble St Louis- 9 rue Marcel Sembat Nantes , France
Tel: +33 (0)2 40 46 62 27
Fax: +33 (0)2 40 43 92 41


Via Aqua performance and efficiency very much relies on the long and complementary experiences of its consultants. Specialists in the seafood industry and food markets for more than 25 years, we offer a comprehensive yet unusual approach of the seafood chain, from the living resources to the supermarkets. We forged our experience and competencies in different kinds of public and private companies, with appointments in production, R&D, Marketing, sales management and general management, prior to carrying out many consulting contracts in France and overseas. These years of experience allowed us to build a wide network of technical partners who can provide complementary skills if need be. We provide our expertise to Private Companies, Professional Organizations, Institutions, and all operators of the seafood industry, from primary production (fishing, aquaculture and related supply) to consumers’ plate. We investigate seafood global resources on the one hand, and French and European markets on the other.               As the only industry exploiting both natural resources and the growing potential of farming, Fisheries and Aquaculture has a strong international focus. Its small size – in relation to the large global agricultural industries – conceals its complex nature. This industry can be divided into several links in the chain.  Production Commercialisation Processing and distribution Consumption
