Quin Sea Fisheries Ltd.

50 Marine Dr - P.O. Box 112 Old Perlican , Canada
Tel: +1 (709) 587-2702
Fax: +1 (709) 587-2611

Email: quin-sea@nf.sympatico.ca

Website: http://quinsea.com

Quin Sea Fisheries Ltd. is located in Newfoundland, Canada. Our business consists of harvesting, processing and marketing premium quality seafood from the clean, cold North Atlantic Ocean. Our seafood company has adapted and expanded to meet customer requirements during our 25 year history. We are continually investing in our business to adapt to changing markets and consumer requirements. We have an experienced management team who have a thorough understanding of the products, processes and customers we represent. Our business principles are based on long term sustainability of wild fishery resources, the highest standards of product quality, and exceptional customer service. This philosophy is shared by our fishers and employees and is directly responsible for Quin Sea Fisheries Ltd. business accomplishments.  Our snow crab factory has the capacity to process 100 metric tonnes in 24 hours. Our northern shrimp factory has the capacity to process 60 metric tonnes in 24 hours. We also process seafood such as capelin, herring, mackerel, scallops, squid and whelk.
