Kuwait Oil Company (K.S.C.) - KOC Head Quarters

P.O. Box 9758 Ahmadi , Kuwait
Tel: +965 2398 9111
Fax: +965 2398 3661

Email: kocinfo@kockw.com

Website: http://kockw.com

Website: https://twitter.com/kocofficial

Website: https://www.youtube.com/KOCPRI

Our main role is to explore, develop and produce hydrocarbons within the State of Kuwait, promote the care and development of our people and deliver on our commitments to our stakeholders in a compliant, profitable, safe and environmentally responsible manner. In 1934 the Kuwait Oil Company Ltd. was established by the Anglo-Persian Oil Wellhead maintenance on BG-191, 1961.jpgCompany, now known as the British Petroleum Company, and Gulf Oil Corporation, now known as Chevron Corporation. The Company activities had extended to include exploration operations, on-shore and off-shore surveys, drilling of test wells, and developing of producing fields in addition to crude and natural gas exploration. 
