Talley's Fisheries Ltd -Amaltal Fisheries-

, New Zeland
Tel: +64 3 546 3513

Email: jonathan.mcpherson@nn.talleys.co.nz

Website: http://www.talleys.co.nz/fleet.aspx

Talley's deep sea fleet presently consists of four freezer trawlers, two joint venture longline factory vessels (which have full Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries packhouse licenses), one purse seine freezer vessel, one joint venture factory vessel fishing in Argentina and three fresh fish trawlers. Factory Fillet Trawlers Bottom Longliners Fresh Fishing Trawlers Purse Seine Trawlers Talley's deep sea factory freezer trawlers are all approximately 60 to 70 metres in length and go to sea for six weeks at a time with a crew of around 35 men and women. They process fish into fillets within hours of being caught, processing the catch onboard to customers specifications - frozen-at-sea fillet, block or head and gutted form. Onboard fishmeal plants process the waste product so everything is utilised.
