Aker Seafoods Melbu AS

Villaveien 1 Melbu , Norway
Tel: +47 76 16 09 00
Fax: +47 76 16 09 01

Email: firmapost.melbu@akersea.no

Website: http://www.akerseafoods.com/text.cfm?id=3-0&path=2,15,23

The processing plant of Aker Seafoods Melbu AS is very modern and efficient, following major investments in buildings and production equipment completed in 2002. The infrastructure serving Melbu Fiskeindustri is also being modernized: Aker Seafoods AS is a co-owner of the newly built frozen-goods storage facility (Melbu Fryselager AS). New harbor facilities and a new sailing line at Melbu was completed in 2008. In cooperation with local companies, local government, harbor authorities and federal authorities, Aker Seafoods contributed to the realization of the project. The harbor makes entrance easier and safer, and the harbor is stable even during difficult weather conditions. In addition, the harbor can accomondate larger ships. Melbu Fiskeindustri is wholly owned by the Aker Seafoods Group. Number of employees: 120 Annual raw materials consumption: Abt. 5 000 metric tonnes
