Explotación Pesquera de la Patagonia S.A. (PESPASA)

Carlos Pellegrini 855, Piso 9° Capital Federal , Argentina
Tel: +54 11 4325 9553
Fax: +54 11 4325 9713

Email: info@pesantar.com.ar

Email: info@pespasa.com.ar

Website: http://www.pespasa.com.ar

PESPASA began operations in Argentina in 1981 and is currently based in the provinces of Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego. In the town of Puerto Deseado, province of Santa Cruz, Pespasa has an industrial plant and refrigerator. Opera 3 freezer vessels (F / V Echizen Maru, F / V Pespasa I Pespasa II and F / V Wind South) PESPASA was part of Nissui Group and sold to Contessi Group on Jan 2013
