GF Wendt GmbH

Niedersachsenstraße Hall X Dept. 89/90 Cuxhaven , Germany
Tel: +49 472 122 993
Fax: +49 472 163 423



The company GF Wendt GmbH is the second generation of a family guided Helge and Jens Brümmer. With our dedicated and experienced staff, we meet the daily challenges of the market to our customers with fresh products to supply. Making Our fillets, kitchen-ready and smoked fish is the result of experienced employees. Hand Formatted File fish, hand-drawn on Räucherspieße halibut, Stremellachs and many other varieties are the backbone of our family business. This foundation was expanded in 2005. by restructuring our premises, we provided a 100sqm ² large retail department. Thus the stage was set, and the locals and the many holiday guests with our artisanal fish products. Marinades, salads and frozen products thus complementing our wide product range.
