RINA was founded in Genoa in 1861 under the name REGISTRO ITALIANO, by the "Associazione della Mutua Assicurazione Marittima" (Mutual Marine Insurance Association) [established in Genoa in 1857 by ship managers and shipowners (or "ship shareholders"), to cover risks related to loss and/or damage of the hull and rigging of sailing ships], to meet the needs of Italian maritime operators, as had already occurred in Great Britain and France.
Since its foundation, Registro Italiano Navale has been an instrument of support for economic development in the areas where it operates. Over 140 years later, the role of RINA has not changed but it has expanded to meet the needs of a constantly evolving international economy.
Since the mid Nineties, RINA has widened and diversified its sphere of activities and has become, in a short time, market leader in certification and assessment of conformity in Italy, with a significant presence in various strategic areas of the world (Argentina, East Europe, Brazil, China, Greece, India, Spain, Turkey, etc…). RINA has focused on the development of services with high added value to meet different market and community needs and to point organisations in the direction of continuous improvement. As a guarantee of the reliability and value of its certificates and assessments, RINA has acquired over the years a wide range of national, EU and international recognitions from authorised bodies: APAT, BRC, EUREPGAP, FEE ITALIA, FTA, IATF, INMETRO, UKAS, MINISTERI COMPETENTI NABCB, SAI, SINCERT, SWEDAC, UNIFE, WRAP.