San Arawa S.A.

Santiago del Estero 1718, piso 1, oficina 7 Mar del Plata , Argentina
Tel: +54 223 495 4789
Fax: +54 223 492 2216
Tel: +54 223 492 2215





San Arawa S.A. is an Argentine fishing company founded by Eduardo Santiago Gonzalez Lemmi, who is the main shareholder . We specialize in catching and frozen at sea hoki fish block, hoki surimi, and Southern blue whiting surimi. We are one of the main players among the fisheries for these species in Argentina. Our two factory vessels, operating from Ushuaia, employ 210 people. Also, we have the technical and administrative assistance of a team of highly-trained, highlycommitted professionals managing the operations. Employees: 230 8,000 tons of frozen fish products manufactured on board every year Fishing area: Unpolluted waters of the Western South Atlantic, the Argentine Continental Platform and waters near Cape Horn, between parallels 49° and 55° S (FAO Zone Nº 41). Offshore processing plants: 2 factory vessels, operating year-round Suspended mussel (Mytilus chilensis) culture park in waters of the Beagle Channel (in development) 800 m2 land plant for processing cultured mussels (under construction) Jan, 2013 – Nichimo announced at its annual general meeting on Jan. 25 it has acquired 80% of Argentine fishing company San Arawa  
