Taste of BC Aquafarms Inc - Fresh BC Salmon/Canadian Model Aquafarm Initiative

2930 Jameson Rd. Nanaimo , Canada
Tel: +1 866-755-4077

Email: info@freshbcsalmon.com

Website: http://freshbcsalmon.com

Website: https://www.facebook.com/modelaquafarm

Historically, there were many trout farms located in the Fraser Valley. The rainbow trout sector in British Columbia has historically low to no incidence of losses through disease, yet production in the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island Region has been on a steady decline over the last two decades. The increase of property values and the stress on groundwater resources by low tech / low production have been combining to make continued trout farming impractical in many instances. This model farm will take a low producing low tech farm and, with minimizing use of water and environmental impact, transform it into an efficient, profit generating food fish producer. The technology developed by PR Aqua for other salmonoid will be fine-tuned to accommodate the needs of rainbow trout.  This model farm will contribute to a blueprint for a family farm level production unit that will respect the constraints felt by the current industry and point it in a sustainable, economically viable and environmentally sensitive direction. It is designed to produce a substantial volume of rainbow trout on a repeatable basis, and in so doing help to build the local (provincial) market for rainbow trout. Brand: Liitle Cedar Falls
