ISS7 - 7th International Symposium on Sturgeon

Vancouver Island Convention Centre Nanaimo , Canada
Tel: +1 (250) 244-4050




ISS7 will be held at the beautiful Vancouver Island Convention Centre in the heart of Nanaimo. Building on the success of previous International Symposia on Sturgeon, most recently in Wuhan, China, we expect over 600 delegates from over 35 countries to attend this four day event. We have planned a diverse program which will attract interest of a wide range of delegates including commercial aquaculturists, conservation hatchery operators, government researchers and technicians; scientists and policy makers. Sturgeon aquaculture (for meat, caviar, skin, bio-active compounds, etc.) is a fast growing sector of the global aquaculture industry. ISS events, which take place only every four years, are the premier sturgeon conference attracting a global audience. Trade show participation, therefore, represents an extraordinary opportunity to showcase your product or service to the world. Past exhibitors at International Sturgeon Symposia include hatchery equipment suppliers, water quality and monitoring technology companies, fish tagging, tracking and hydro-accoustic manufactures, state and federal agencies, consulting companies and many more.
