Eos Shipbroker

Kungsgatan 91 Umeå , Sweden
Tel: +46 90 -13 57 54
Fax: +46 90 -13 57 53

Email: nina@eos.se

Website: http://www.eos.se

Eos Shipbroker is dedicated to purchase an sale of vessels and related equipment and specialises in fishing. Over the years we have supplied fishing boats of all sizes, from small gillnetter to large trawlers/purse seiners, both “our own” and via other ship brokers all over the world. We also deal with fishing licences in the form of BT, kW, effort, days at sea and other permits. In autumn 1999 after 20 years as a professional fisherman, Gunnar Asplund decided to become a shipbroker. Over the years Gunnar had acquired extensive experience of fishing with boats of 6m to 40m, including everything from trap nets, gillnets and hooks, to bottom trawling and Pelagic fishing for herring and sprats. Gunnar has fished in every corner of the Baltic Sea/Gulf of Bothia as well as on the North Sea.
