Oceanica Group Ltd.

Myasnitskaya street, 46, building 7 Moscow , Russia
Tel: +7 495 223-56-49

Email: info@oceanica.su

Website: http://oceanica.su

Oceanica Group company is a part owner of the leadibg sea food processing Oceana Fisheries Co specialist in the Seychelles, with over fifteen years experience in the handling, processing and marketing of high quality fish and seafood products. These products are harvested from the clean, pristine and unpolluted waters of Seychelles Exclusive Economic Zone..  The longstanding cooperation with international importers and demand for fish and fish products of the highest quality level allow Oceanica Group represent its interests also in Russia. The Company does not only supply critical inputs, such as ice and baits, to fishermen but also provides an outlet where they can sell their fresh catch. The fresh fish is sold both local-ly and overseas. The company "OCEANICA GROUP Ltd" has an exclusive right to conduct all business deals on realization of fish products of the fish factory "Oceana Fisheries Co. Ltd" outside of Seychelles.
