DNV -Det Norske Veritas- (Sri Lanka)

No. 18, Dharmarama Road, Colombo 06 Colombo , Sri Lanka
Tel: +56 2 586 2727
Fax: +56 2 586 2750
Tel: +973 17 820 950
Fax: +973 17 820 960
Tel: +40 374 200 140
Fax: +40 374 200 141
Tel: +47 6757 9900
Fax: +47 6757 9911
Tel: +1 902 464 0905
Fax: +1 902 464 0516
Tel: +94 11 259 6878
Fax: +94 11 250 7516

Email: DNV.Corporate@dnv.com

Website: http://www.dnv.cl

Website: http://www.dnv.com

Det Norske Veritas or DNV is a classification society organized as a foundation, with the objective of "Safeguarding life, property, and the environment". The organization's history goes back to 1864, when the foundation was established in Norway to inspect and evaluate the technical condition of Norwegian merchant vessels. DNV describes itself as a provider of services for managing risk. Together with Lloyd's Register and American Bureau of Shipping, DNV is one of the three major companies in the classification society business. DNV has its headquarters in Høvik, Bærum, just outside Oslo, Norway. It has 300 offices in 100 countries, with 8,400 employees. Important industries where the company operates include ship transport, energy, aviation, automotive, finance, food, heath care and information technology. It also conducts research in several fields where it operates.
