B!S - Bremerhavener Gesellschaft für Investitionsförderung und Stadtentwicklung mbH

Am Alten Hafen 118 Bremerhaven , Germany
Tel: +49 471 946460
Fax: +49 471 9464689

Email: mail@bis-bremerhaven.de

Website: http://www.bis-bremerhaven.de

Providing support for entrepreneurial initiative is one of the most important business development tasks in Bremerhaven. In addition to good infrastructural conditions at attractive sites, we also provide financial support for promising inward investment projects in Bremerhaven. In Bremerhaven, business support from a single source means that BIS advises you on sources of support and financial assistance in Bremerhaven, receives your applications, examines and decides on applications, and disburses subsidies. Overview of support programmes Investment Support  If you invest in Bremerhaven, we can provide subsidies up to 30% of the eligible costs of your project. Material and wage expenses are both eligible for subsidies. Support for start-ups  Start-ups can find inexpensive, high-quality office premises, workshops and laboratories in our Start-Up and Technology Centres. Innovation support  Research and development projects in single companies, partnerships between companies and joint projects conducted by companies and research institutes can receive subsidies up to 75%.
