AARS - Alma Aquaculture Research Station

6957 Eighth Line West, RR #1 Elora, , Canada
Tel: +1 519.824.4120

Email: aquacentre@aps.uoguelph.ca

Website: http://www.aps.uoguelph.ca/aquacentre/aars/aars.html

The Alma Aquaculture Research Station (AARS) is a state-of-the-art aquaculture research and development facility which became fully operational in April of 1993. The facility is the backbone of the Fish Production Research Program providing up-scale systems for aquaculture researchers at the University of Guelph and other institutions. The AARS has supported over 135 research projects since its inception. The quarantine unit has successfully introduced Atlantic salmon and Arctic charr and new strains of spring-spawning rainbow trout to the Ontario aquaculture industry. In concert with the Aquaculture Centre , various education and training programs have been developed at the graduate, undergraduate, college, and high-school level and have been very well received
