Interamerican Centre for Sustainable Ecosystems Development (ICSED)

Casilla 27016 Santiago de Chile , Chile
Tel: +56 2 202-1137
Fax: +56 2 202-1142



ICSED was created as an autonomous and private sectors to conduct research, training, technical assistance and promote sustainable development of environment and natural ecosystems of Latin America. This work was established by a small group of multidisciplinary professionals in order to further research and methodological development that began in 1990 at the UN headquarters in Latin America (CEPAL), in the field of natural resource management and environmental.   ICSED done their research, training, dissemination and technical assistance in response to specific demands of national and international agencies. Their activities help and promote sustainable development of ecosystems while encouraging the full utilization and equitable distribution of the fruits and benefits they generate.   
