VSV - Vinnslustöðin hf. í Vestmannaeyjum

Hafnargötu 2 Vestmannaeyjar , Iceland
Tel: +354 488 8000
Fax: +354 488 8001

Email: vsv@vsv.is

Website: http://www.vsv.is

VSV was founded on December 1st 1946 by numerous fishing companies in the Westman Islands. The company operates fishing vessels and seafood product processing plants, and also takes care of the marketing and sales of the seafood products on both domestic and international markets.  VSV has over 200 employees, working both in land and at sea, as well as a number of short-term employees. At the end of 2007 VSV had a total of 520 employees on the payroll, or a total of 13% of the Island’s 4000 inhabitants. VSV was founded over 60 years ago and is now more active and stronger than ever.  It operates 3 pelagic vessels, 3 trawlers and 2 gillnet boats. The company’s products include various seafood products from pelagic and groundfish species, as well as fish meal and fish oil.
