Packopale SARL

82, rue des Flobarts Boulogne sur mer , France
Tel: +33 (0)3 21 30 08 16
Fax: +33 (0)3 21 83 81 52



PACKOPALE is a subsidiary of NORFRIGO which since 2001 has developedcomplete solutions for final packaging of seafood imported from around the world: - Bagging of all types - Trays - Polybagging - Vacuuming - Mixing calibrated - Cuts - Labelling - Co-packing Essential complement of logistics services, this facility enables operators torespond in time to specific requests from distributors. PACKOPALE has a strength of the management of a flexible schedule can integrate rush orders. Quality control is ubiquitous on all production lines. The detection of foreign bodiesand bacteriological analysis are widespread. The quality system is capable of meeting the MSC audits, IFS, BRC and others.
