NSL - Norske Sjømatbedrifters Landsforening - The Norwegian Seafood Association

Postboks 639, Sentrum Trondheim , Norway
Tel: +47 7384 1400
Fax: +47 7384 1401

Email: post@nsl.no

Website: http://www.nsl.no

The Norwegian Seafood Association (NSL) was established in 1995. The aim of the association is to attract the fishing, aquaculture and seafood processing industry of Norway in order to promote their common interests. The NSL is an association of small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) in fisheries, aquaculture and seafood processing business. It includes fish farmers, landing and harvesting companies, fish product producers, exporters, wholesalers and retailers. The NSL makes a total of approximately 180-190 memberships and 2200 man-years. It is a member of the national employer’s assoc
