Inta Informa - Gerencia de Comunicación e Imagen Institucional

Chile 460 – 2º piso Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires , Argentina



The National Agricultural Technology Institute (INTA)is a state agency decentralized operational and financial autarky, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Nation. It was created in 1956 and since then developed for research and technological innovation in value chains, regions and territories to improve competitiveness and sustainable rural development in the country. Their efforts are aimed at innovation as an engine for development and integration capabilities to foster interagency cooperation, generate knowledge and technologies and use them for the sector through its extension systems, information and communication. The institution has a presence in five ecoregions of Argentina (Northwest, Northeast, Cuyo, Pampa and Patagonia), through a structure comprising: a head office, 15 regional centers, 5 research centers, 50 stations, 16 institutes over 300 Units Area (see map institutional). Meanwhile, two private entities created by the institution in 1993, Intea SA and ArgenINTA, join to form the INTA Group. The result of the work of INTA allows the country to achieve greater potential and opportunities to access regional and international markets with products and services with high added value.
