PISCES - Partnerships Involving Stakeholders in the Celtic Sea Ecosystem

WWF- Cymru Baltic House Mount Stuart Square Cardiff , United Kingdom
Tel: +388 (0) 2920 454984

Email: pisces@wwf.org.uk

Website: http://www.projectpisces.eu

Website: https://twitter.com/projectpisces

Website: https://www.youtube.com/piscescelticsea

PISCES (Partnerships Involving Stakeholders in the Celtic Sea Ecosystem) is a pioneering project linking people from the major sectors operating in the Celtic Sea. These stakeholders are working together to find a way to manage their activities using the ‘ecosystem approach'. By thinking about the complex interactions in this marine ecosystem (including living and non-living components and human activities), they've created their own practical guide to safeguard a future for all. This innovative process is the first opportunity for people whose livelihoods depend on this region to translate EU policy into sustainable practice for a whole range of sectors spanning France, Ireland, England, Wales and Spain. We have been developing important lessons for the implementation of marine legislation across the Celtic Sea*, which will be a blueprint for Europe and beyond.
