Open Ocean Systems Inc.

174 Adelaide Street Saint John , Canada
Tel: +1 506 672 7968
Fax: +1 506 647 9815


Today. more than one-third of the ?sh and seafood produced comes from fish farms and other aquaculture facilities. Most of them are kept along the shore where they can be exposed to a host of ecological and other natural forces that can adversely affect fish health and facility infrastructure.  Our patented iCage containment system takes your ?sh farm operations out into the open ocean and under the sea. Away from the coastal marine conditions, and protected, the iCage produces stock in a more naturally-balanced and sustainable environment. And there's a lot more ocean than coast.  To ?nd out more about about the iCage. please contact us by email or telephone, so we can learn more about your operation and how iCage can work for you.
