PCNG - Programa de Competividad del Norte Grande

Hipolito Irigoyen 250 Buenos Aires - CABA , Argentina
Tel: +54 011.4349-6180
Fax: +54 011.4349-6513

Email: pcng@mecon.gov.ar

Website: http://www.mecon.gov.ar/programanortegrande/

The PROGRAMA DE COMPETITIVIDAD DEL NORTE GRANDE  (PCNG) is a program of the Department of Economic Policy, with funding from the Inter-American Development Bank, which aims to increase the competitiveness of production clusters selected in the region comprised of the following nine provinces northern Argentina: Catamarca, Tucumán, Salta, Jujuy, Santiago del Estero, Chaco, Formosa, Corrientes and Misiones In each province are selected to 3 Cops COPs (productive clusters) in accordance with the Provincial Government. A Productive Conglomerate (COP) is a territorialized network of companies (producers, manufacturers, traders, service providers, etc..), Their organizations (chambers, cooperatives, associations, etc.) And institutions support the productive sector (universities, institutes technicians, local government areas, etc.) that interact with different intensity and degree of complementarity, about products or services Each cluster produces a Competitiveness Plan which is the linchpin of the main activities of the program. Under the Competitiveness Plan, the PCNG apply different support instruments relating to the funding of the projects identified and strengthening local institutions and capacities.
