
3 rue de Bonald Lyon, France 69007, France
Tel: +33982240200



From spec to tech, your one-stop marine science partner

Luxaqua is an international engineering company based in Lyon, France, that designs and builds aquatic facilities for research centres. Founded in 2007, we are on a mission to help accelerate research on aquatic habitats and their inhabitants.

We know from experience that the organisation of any research institute is often one of the biggest challenges. From leading research protocols to maintenance, the different teams may struggle to communicate efficiently. Beyond building custom research facilities, including RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture Systems), we help researchers focus on science by saving time thanks to our web-based software.

LXA_FishLab is an information data management software that helps research institutes and aquaculture centres improve their workflow for their fish colonies management, research projects and governmental compliance. Thanks to LXA_FishLab’s daily records, you always know how many individuals of each species you have in your facility, their health status, their batch and their lineage. With one click, you can easily download the declaration forms you need. This innovative feature empowers organisations with full traceability and transparency with authorities in case of control.
