CIDERE BIOBIO -Corporación Industrial para el Desarrollo Regional del Biobio-

Aníbal Pinto 372, oficina 72 Concepción , Chile
Tel: +56 41 273 3355
Fax: +56 41 273 3366



CIDERE BIOBIO is a private corporation, nonprofit organization whose purpose is to promote in a comprehensive manner and in all its aspects, the development of the geographical area consisting of the provinces of Arauco, Bio Bio, Concepción, Malleco and cloudy. The Corporation has more than 40 years driving innovation and entrepreneurship in the Bio Bio Region, through sponsorship and / or financing of innovative projects and through the development of different activities that stimulate entrepreneurship. CIDERE BIOBIO financed through the contributions of 44 companies of different industries, originating in the Bio Bio Region or presence there, with a high Social Responsibility spirit, unite their efforts for the development of our region.
