Hvalpsund Net A/S

Havnepladsen 16 Farsø , Denmark
Tel: +45 98 63 81 88
Fax: +45 98 63 82 03

Email: info@hvalpsund-net.dk

Website: http://www.hvalpsund-net.dk

Website: https://www.youtube.com/Hvnet

Hvalpsund Net A/S is an international company employing more than 80 persons. We have factories in Denmark and Poland and sales departments in Denmark. Our head quarter is situated in Hvalpsund and from there our many activities are controlled. We have three main divisions: Fishing, Fish Farming and Onshore. The three divisions export to countries all over the world, e.g. Chile, the U.S., Taiwan, New Zealand, the Philippines, Israel, Zimbabwe, Peru, Malawi, Ghana, Martinique and several European countries.  We export to distant countries on our own, but in many cases we also work close together with humanitarian organizations such as UNOPS and the Danish Danida. These activities have helped to make the name of Hvalpsund Net A/S known as a quality focussing and conscientious company.
